MapLink™ Procedures | Technical Requirements (Flood Hazard District Areas)

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Technical Requirements (Flood Hazard District Areas)
A. Technical requirements.
(1) Alteration or relocation of watercourse.
(a) No encroachment, alteration, or improvement of any kind shall be made to any watercourse until all adjacent municipalities which may be affected by such action have been notified by the municipality and until all required permits or approvals have first been obtained from the Department of Environmental Protection's regional office.
(b) No encroachment, alteration, or improvement of any kind shall be made to any watercourse unless it can be shown that the activity will not reduce or impede the flood-carrying capacity of the watercourse in any way.
(c) In addition, FEMA and the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development shall be notified prior to any alteration or relocation of any watercourse.
(2) Any uses or activities allowed within any Flood Hazard District Area shall be undertaken in strict compliance with the provisions contained in this article and any other applicable codes, ordinances and regulations.
(3) For all conditional uses permitted under this district, the Township shall consider all relevant factors and procedures specified in other sections of the Code and the following:
(a) The danger to life and property due to increased flood heights or velocities caused by encroachments. No proposed use, development or activity shall be permitted that will cause any increase in flood levels in the Flood Hazard District Area.
(b) The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands or downstream to the injury of others.
(c) The proposed water supply and sanitation systems and the ability of these systems to prevent disease, contamination and unsanitary conditions.
(d) The susceptibility of the proposed use and its contents to flood damage, and the effect of such damage on the individual owners.
(e) The importance of the services provided by the proposed use to the Township.
(f) The requirements of the use for a waterfront location.
(g) The availability of alternative locations not subject to flooding for the proposed use.
(h) The compatibility of the proposed use with existing development and development anticipated in the foreseeable future.
(i) The relationship of the proposed use to the Comprehensive Plan and floodplain management program for the area.
(j) The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles.
(k) The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and sediment transport of the floodwaters expected at the site.
(l) The potential direct or indirect impacts to the Flood Hazard District Area from the use proposed.
(m) The potential direct or indirect impacts to those portions of any watercourse designated as "exceptional value" or "high-quality special protection waters" by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
B.  Elevation and floodproofing requirements.
(1) Nonresidential structures.
(a) Any nonresidential structure that will be floodproofed must submit the following to the floodplain administrator, along with the nonresidential floodproofing certificate and prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy:
[1] An inspection and maintenance plan detailing the annual maintenance of floodproofed components ensuring that all components will operate properly under flood conditions. Components that must be inspected include, at a minimum:
[a] Mechanical equipment such as sump pumps and generators;
[b] Flood shields and closures;
[c] Walls and wall penetrations; and
[d] Levees and berms (as applicable).
[2] A flood emergency operation plan detailing the procedures to be followed during a flooding event, and must include information pertaining to how all components will operate properly under all conditions, including power failures. The design professional must produce the plan. An adequate plan must include the following:
[a] An established chain of command and responsibility, with leadership responsibilities clearly defined for all aspects of the plan.
[b] A procedure for notification of necessary parties when flooding threatens and flood warnings are issued. Personnel required to be at the building should have a planned and safe means of ingress and should have no other emergency response duties during a flood event. Alternates should be assigned in the event that the primary persons responsible are unable to complete their assigned duties under the plan.
[c] A list of specific duties assigned to ensure that all responsibilities are addressed expeditiously. The locations of materials necessary to properly install all floodproofing components must be included in the list.
[d] An evacuation plan for all personnel or occupants; those without duties for the flood emergency as well as those with duties for implementing the plan. All possible ingress and egress routes must be identified.
[e] A periodic training and exercise program to keep personnel and occupants aware of their duties and responsibilities. Training drills should be held at least once a year and should be coordinated with community officials.
See Article V: Flood Hazard Districts for more information on floodplain areas and associated regulations.
See Permits and Inspections for more information.
See Stormwater and Grading Permits for more information.