MapLink™ Procedures | Short-Term Rentals

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Short-Term Rentals
A. The following criteria must be met before the Zoning Hearing Board may authorize a special exception for a short-term rental as limited below:
(1) The historic structure to be utilized as a short-term rental must be listed in the 2003 Historic Resources Survey.

(2) The short-term rental use must comply with the parking provisions in § 208-103C(28). To the extent that proposed new off-street parking would otherwise be visible from neighboring properties, such parking areas shall be completely screened by plant material or a combination of plant material, fencing, or berms to a height of at least four feet.

(3) No square footage added to a historic structure after the date of adoption of this section may be used as a short-term rental.

(4) Site lighting shall be designed to screen the source of illumination and glare completely from adjacent properties.

(5) The applicant shall have the burden of demonstrating that approval of the special exception will not jeopardize the preservation of historic resource(s) contained on the property subject to application. To sustain this burden. the applicant shall present evidence demonstrating the following:
(a) Exact location of the area in which the use is proposed.
(b) The general design, arrangement, texture, material, scale, mass and color of any affected building, structure, or site and the relation of such factors to similar features of other structures on the property.
(c) That the use will not destroy the distinguishing qualities or character of the historic resource and its environment.
(d) Proposed building replacement projects, including complete rebuilds or partial knockdown rebuilds, are not eligible for short-term rental use. Interior renovations are allowed that alter the interior historic nature of the property.
B. Any short-term rental in the Township shall be subject to Chapter 150: Property Registration for Short-Term Rentals.
C. This section is not intended, nor shall its effect be, to limit any other enforcement remedies which may be available to the Township against an owner, tenant or guest thereof found in this chapter or applicable law.